Bremen City Schools is currently accepting applications for substitute teachers Apply today!
7 months ago, Bremen City Schools
Welcome to JES and the Blue Devil family, Jessica Collins!
about 24 hours ago, Bremen City Schools
J. Collins
Welcome to JES and the Blue Devil family, Jayda Hettmansperger!
about 24 hours ago, Bremen City Schools
J. Hettmansperger
Welcome to JES and the Blue Devil family, Emily Yauger!
about 24 hours ago, Bremen City Schools
E. Yauger
⚠️ Due to the nationwide Crowdstrike outages, our registration system is currently down. PowerSchool is working on the issue. If you have already completed registration, please disregard this notification.
8 days ago, Bremen City Schools
PowerSchool Outage
Welcome to BMS and the Blue Devil family, Lily Keown!
9 days ago, Bremen City Schools
L. Keown
Welcome to BHS and the Blue Devil family, Molly Alexander!
30 days ago, Bremen City Schools
M. Alexander
Welcome to BMS and the Blue Devil family, Virginia Wester!
30 days ago, Bremen City Schools
V. Wester
Welcome to BHS and the Blue Devil family, Heather Fetterley!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
H. Fetterley
Welcome to Bremen Middle School and the Blue Devil family, Lydia Marlow!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
L. Marlow
Welcome back to BHS and the Blue Devil family, Alex Bearden!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
A. Bearden
Welcome to Bremen Middle School and the Blue Devil family, Heather Underwood!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
H. Underwood
Welcome to BHS and the Blue Devil family, Melissa Cox!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
M. Cox
Welcome to Bremen Middle School, Priscilla Henderson!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
P. Henderson
Welcome to JES and the Blue Devil family, Ansley Bair!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
A. Bair
Happy Father's Day to all the Amazing Dads!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
Father's Day
Welcome to JES and the Blue Devil family, Sara Grace Smith!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
Smith, S.
Welcome to BMS and the Blue Devil family, Andrea Dunn!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
Dunn, A.
Welcome to Bremen Academy, Ellen Johnson!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
Johnson, E.
Welcome to BHS and the Blue Devil family, Katie Sweeney!
about 1 month ago, Bremen City Schools
Sweeney, K.