Board of Education

Board Members

board members picture

2024 Work Sessions and Board Meetings

Work Sessions - 7:00 a.m.

Board Meetings - 6:30 p.m.

January 5, 2024

January 8, 2024

February 9, 2024

February 12, 2024

March 8, 2024

March 11, 2024

April 12, 2024

April 15, 2024*

May 10, 2024

May 13, 2024

June 7, 2024

June 10, 2024

July 12, 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024 (8:00 a.m.)**

August 9, 2024

August 12, 2024

September 6, 2024

September 9. 2024

October 4, 2024

October 14, 2024***

November 8, 2024

November 11, 2024

December 6, 2024

December 9, 2024

* The April BOE Meeting will be held on the 3rd Monday of the month due to Spring Break/closed schools during the first full week of April 1-5th.

** The July BOE Meeting will be held on the 2nd Friday of the month to accommodate vacations during the July 4th week and district leadership staff who will attend the Summer GAEL Training the week of July 15th.

***The October BOE Work Session will be held on the 4th and the Regular BOE Meeting on the 14th (with a full week between them) due to Fall break/closed schools during the week of October 7-11th

Annual Board Retreat/Required Training will be held on May 30-31, 2024.

Board Policy (BCBI) regarding Public Participation:

Meetings of the Board of Education are held to conduct the affairs and business of the school system.  Although these meetings are not meetings of the public, the public is invited to attend all meetings, and members of the public are invited to address the Board at appropriate times and in accordance with procedures established by the Board or the Superintendent.

The Board requires individuals to contact the Superintendent, his administrative staff and/or local school administrators to secure a satisfactory solution to any concerns at the lowest level possible prior to referral to the Board of Education.

The Superintendent shall make available procedures that specify how members of the public may address the Board on issues of concern.  These procedures shall be available at the school district's offices and shall be given, upon request, to anyone requesting a copy.

All presentations to the Board are to be brief and are intended for the Board to hear comments or concerns without taking action.