Way to go, Blue Devils. The BMS Math Counts Team placed 3rd overall at the Math Counts Competition at UWG on February 14th . Wiley Waldrop and Aidan Johncox advanced to the state competition - #believemotivatesucced #weareblue #GoBlue #bmsmathcounts
2 days ago, Bremen Middle School
math counts
math counts
REMINDER...No School Next Week . . Have a great Winter Break 💙 - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #winterbreak
3 days ago, Bremen Middle School
winter break
💙🍎 Happy Valentine’s Day to Our Amazing Teachers! 🍎💙 Today, we’re celebrating the heart of Bremen City Schools—our incredible teachers! 💖 Your passion, dedication, and love for our students make our schools a place of excellence, and we couldn’t be more grateful for all that you do. We are beyond proud to once again be ranked #1 in Georgia for the Best Teachers by Niche! 🎉👏 This recognition is a testament to the unwavering commitment and hard work of our educators who inspire, support, and shape the future every single day. Drop a 💙 in the comments to show some love for our amazing teachers! #WeAreBremen #BestTeachers #ValentinesDay #ThankATeacher 🔗 Check out the ranking here!
3 days ago, Bremen City Schools
Best in GA
Happy Valentine's Day ❤️ . . #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #valentinesday
3 days ago, Bremen Middle School
valentine's day
Today's Baseball Scrimmage has been cancelled due to wet field conditions, it has been rescheduled for April 2nd
4 days ago, Bremen Middle School
baseball cancelled
Congratulations to our BMS Young Georgia Authors Winners . . Great job, Blue Devils!💙 - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #younggeorgiaauthors
4 days ago, Bremen Middle School
young georgia authors
It's Game Day! ⚾ . . GO BLUE!💙 - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #GoBigBlue #bmsbaseball
4 days ago, Bremen Middle School
baseball game day
Miss BMS Tickets are on sale👑🎟️ . . Reserve your seats today at https://gofan.co/event/3165019?schoolId=GA74129&utm_source=GoFan&utm_medium=qrcode&utm_campaign=HQEventLink💙 - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #missbms
4 days ago, Bremen Middle School
miss bms tickets
Important reminder regarding the BCS Virtual Learning Day TOMORROW💙🖥 . . #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue
5 days ago, Bremen Middle School
virtual learning day
Today's Baseball Scrimmage has been cancelled due to the weather. It will not be rescheduled.
6 days ago, Bremen Middle School
baseball scrimmage cancelled
It's Game Day! ⚾ . . GO BLUE!💙 - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #GoBigBlue #bmsbaseball
6 days ago, Bremen Middle School
baseball game
BMS Dates of the Week for February 10th-February 14h💙 . . GO BLUE! - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #GoBigBlue
7 days ago, Bremen Middle School
BMS dates of the week
BMS Art Club was so much fun for February!🎨 . . If you'd like to join the fun next month, be sure to sign up outside the Art Room. Contact Mrs. Henderson for more information 💙 - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #artclub
8 days ago, Bremen Middle School
art club
It’s time for the Disco Night Party 🪩💙🎶💃🏼🕺🏼 ..Only 2️⃣0️⃣ Tickets Remaining . Tickets must be purchased in advance, no tickets will be sold at the dance. Tickets will be sold until 11:30am today.🎟️ - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #GoBigBlue #disco
10 days ago, Bremen Middle School
disco dance
It's a Super Bowl Party at BA/BMS...our students predict the Eagles are going to win, what's your prediction? . We had wings, pizza, music, and even watched last year's game to get ready! - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #superbowl
10 days ago, Bremen Middle School
super bowl party
super bowl party
super bowl party
super bowl party
super bowl party
super bowl party
super bowl party
super bowl party
Congratulations to CJ Emerton for being selected for District Honor Band, which will take place February 6th-8th at Ringgold High School . . GO BLUE!💙 - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #districthonorband
11 days ago, Bremen Middle School
district honor band
Valentine's Day at BMS . Access the order form at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YniVsGxRQw65xxhFuqHHiv8JbgkzEZDn/view?usp=sharing . Orders are due Friday, February 7th ❤️ - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #GoBigBlue #valentinesday
12 days ago, Bremen Middle School
valentine's day bms
We're having a Super Bowl Party TOMORROW during Lunch! 🏈 . #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue #superbowl
12 days ago, Bremen Middle School
super bowl party
TONIGHT! 8th grade parents, mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 4th . #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #gobigblue
13 days ago, Bremen Middle School
8th grade parent night
Disco Night Party🪩💙🎶..Only 70 Tickets Remaining . Tickets must be purchased in advance, no tickets will be sold at the dance. Tickets will be sold in the mornings before homeroom and during lunch, until we are sold out. - #believemotivatesucceed #weareblue #GoBigBlue #disco
13 days ago, Bremen Middle School
disco dance tickets left